Här är några av de andra färdiga alstren. Var för sent ute för den senaste sändningen så nu väntar jag på att de tar emot igen. Hinner nog göra lite mer tills dess.
Here is some of the other items I made for charity.I have some more time before there is a new transport so I guess I have more time to make new things in the mean time.
Jag har ochså gjort några lavendelpåsar av min egenodlade lavendel. Med knypplad spets (från når jag knypplade övningsserien) och broderi.
I have also made some lavender pouches to sell, thats made with my homgrown lavender. Some with embroidery and some with old bobbinlace samples from when I was a beginner (I´m still sort of a beginner but these are about 15years old).
I´m linking up to Crazy mom quilts.and her finish it up friday! Go and have a look at what all the others have been up to.
The baby quilts really pretty. I love the hand quilting. It was nice that your students wanted to help. You have made many lovely things for charity.
SvaraRaderaThanks! Sometimes when I can't deside wich projekt to work with or start it's nice to have some goto patterns thats quite quick to make and goes to someting good.