Mitt minitäcke börjar se mer färdigt ut! Jag har sytt ihop alla små mini block och är nöjd med att jag valde den här designen. Men täcket ska få en bord runt om och självklart en baksida innan jag är färdigt. Nu har jag bara det svåra valet att försöka välja vilken färg och ev mönster jag ska ha till bård och till baksida. Jag antar att det blir finare med så litet mönster som möjligt och jag har tyvärr inte så mycket av det, speciellt inte i tillräckligt stora bitar...
My miniquilt is starting to look more like a finished quilt. I have pieced all the blocks together and I love how it turned out. But now I have the hard decision on what colour I should use as a border and backing fabric. I assume it looks better with something solid or with a small pattern... This was mostly made by using up fabrics from my scrap basket and I don´t think I have enough of one of those for border or background...
Hittills är minitäcket ca 31*24cm. Några sömmar är lite sneda men inte katastrofalt mycket. Nöjd så här långt!
So far the miniquilt measures about 12 1/4 times 9 1/2 inch (each block is about 1 1/2inch). Some of the seams are a bit crocked but not alarmingly so. I´m pleased so far!
I´m linking up to Wip´s wednesday to show my WIP´s!
So many tiny pieces! I don't have the patience but I love admiring the work of those of you who do. Based on how the colors look on my screen, I would lean toward purples for the border/binding, but that's just what jumps out for me. :)
SvaraRaderaThanks for the input! :)
RaderaThis is lovely! I am really drawn to the log cabin pattern with the creams for the lights! So so pretty! Keep up the great work-in-progress!
SvaraRaderaI love it! It looks so much like my scrappy mini log cabin quilt that I need to finish yet. I put a medium green that looks like a batik for my border.
SvaraRaderaThis is beautiful! I thought it was a much larger quilt - you must have the patience of a saint!
SvaraRaderaI love log cabins, and yours has such a great design! Lovely choices for colors and patterns and how it all works together.
SvaraRaderaThanks for all the wonderful comments! :)
SvaraRaderaI think this is beautiful. Since it is a scrappy quilt, why not use scraps to make a scrappy border--that is if you have enough scraps left to do so.
SvaraRaderaBy background, do you mean to put a border around this quilt or are you referring to the backing of the quilt? For the backing, a plain color in the quilt or even a muslin would work and the border could still be scrappy or match the backing (or border if that is what you meant).
Log cabin is definitely one of my favourite blogs and this is just beautiful, all those tiny pieces and bright colours.. fantastic.